A Light Emitting Diode or called LED is a semiconductor device that emits visible light.LEDs be used in environmental and task lighting. LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switching. Light-emitting diodes are now used in applications as diverse as aviation lighting, automotive headlamps, advertising, general lighting, traffic signals, and camera flashes.
Model 970SL
10pcs LED with reflector optics
Peak Beam Intensity: 350,000 Candelas
Spot with 8 Degree Beam
135º tilt X 360 º Continuous Rotation
Weatherproof Plastic Housing with cover
Durable Integrated Motor
Black / White Color
DC 12V & DC 24V Both
Wired & Wireless remote control
Automatically return to home position when searchlight is switched off.
Model 220S
10pcs LED with reflector optics
Peak Beam Intensity: 460,000 Candelas
Spot with 8 Degree Beam
135º tilt X 360 º Continuous Rotation
Weatherproof Plastic Housing
Durable Integrated Motor
Black / White Color
DC 12V & DC 24V Both
Wired & Wireless remote control
Automatically return to home position when searchlight is switched off.
Model 150S
6pcs LED with with reflector optics
Peak Beam Intensity: 240,000 Candelas
Spot with 8 Degree Beam
90º tilt X 350 º Rotation
Weatherproof Plastic Housing
Durable Integrated Motor
Black / White Color
DC 12V & DC 24V
Wireless remote control (Standard)
Wired control (for customized order only)
Model 150
6pcs LED with with reflector optics
Peak Beam Intensity: 240,000 Candelas
Spot with 8 Degree Beam
90º tilt X 360 º Rotation
Weatherproof Plastic Housing
Durable Integrated Motor
Black / White Color
DC 12V / DC 24V
Wireless remote control (Standard)
Wired control (for customized order only)